Sunday, March 02, 2008

Brazil - Pics for Mom


Anonymous said...

Nice. See the tree with the roots growing above ground? We have them here, too!

Pft! OC just told me there are a number of trees that look alike and while this tree may very well grow in Hawaii since much of our flora is from Central America, without a closer inspection I really shouldn't be so definitive.

Scientists are such risk takers!

I Dive At Night said...

Quilly, I decided not to post the rather pathetic pictures of me trying to climb the tree. An homage to a mutal friend; successful only in the respect that I didn't need medical attention afterwards.

Minka said...

I love trees. I like to climb them too. pathetic attempt are bound to happen, but once you are up, the new point of view is alive with freshness.

I Dive At Night said...

I'm happy I tried. :-)

I do need a new point of view. I'm thinking the view from a hermit's cave may be right.

Minka said...

sorry about the close up, but I had to check the shoe polish :)

I Dive At Night said...

I'm used to climbing with special climbing shoes. I used what I had and tried to wedge my food between tree roots to get enough grip to hoist myself up. Scuffed the shoes and nearly tore a few tendons. But oh well, I tried.

J. D. said...

You have stamina and fortitude. If eighty year old Josephine (across our street) can do it, YOU can too. It sounds like you got out of the tree the same way that she did. (no permanent injuries)

I love your pictures...I love trees... I love you! (in reverse order)

THANK YOU!........Mom

I Dive At Night said...

De nada.

(When ever people here can't speak English to me they switch to Spanish... which actually works!)