Friday, March 14, 2008

I admit it, it's exciting

I told a friend a secret today. For all my love of complaining about airports and long flights and boring hotels, I do enjoy the excitement in my life. And this time I'm pleased to report a bit of excitement I feel really particularly happy with.

On Tuesday my friend and dive buddy approached me for advice on how to book a last minute diving holiday. He had time off work but no plans.

Thursday evening I was on the phone to the travel agent, booking our flights.

I know how to book last minute vacations. I simply said," Are there any flights leaving this weekend for any warm diving destination?"

There was one flight. There was one hotel. Simple.

So Sunday I'm off to the Al Diwan Resort in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. I'm joining Tobias. He'll be finishing the dives for his Advanced Open Water certification... and of course I'm his personal instructor for that.

Wow, I've got to admit it. This is kind of exciting! I've often booked business travel on a few days notice, or vacations in a month, but today I'm paying for the tickets and leave the day after tomorrow.

Happy waves everyone! I hope the sun is shining, the air is warm, and the water is calm for all of us next week.


Anonymous said...

You realize you live a charmed life? This is all pure privilege. I wish you clam seas and an exciting (yet safe) adventure.

I Dive At Night said...

I'm beginning to suspect!

Ooops, I've named the wrong hotel. Must edit that.

Minka said...

Oh sod off!

While some of us sit through a night shift others plan an impromptu trip to sure takes sides!

just kidding, enjoy...lots of fun and as always: pictures!

I Dive At Night said...

No, flying off!

I've already promised to teach you to dive. So your trip to the tropics is still to be looked forward to.

J. D. said...

That is such a cute and prophetic typo that Quilly made in her comment.....What with you loving things under the sea and Quilly's significant other being a marine biologist...Happy Diving!...Mom