Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Party Pics...

Okay, these are all stolen pictures, courtesy of Kryte. Thanks!

Clearly I have a problem. I need a bigger bed!

By midnight I was still able to recognize cameras.

But seriously, should I have invited men too???

More can be found at Pictures 5 through 31 were taken at the party.


J. D. said...

Those huge smiles in the last pic tell so-o-o-o much about your party. Well done! Is Tobias in any of these pictures? Come back to Canada and plan your birthday party in June. It'll be great! Hugs...Mom

I Dive At Night said...

Nope, no Tobias. You finally made it online, eh?

June currently looks like 3 4-day trips to Belgium, but soon.

Nancy said...

Hmmmm, and I didn't think that was a good picture, you made me laugh sooo hard I had to close my eyes for it ;-)

I Dive At Night said...

A shame as Nancy has VERY nice eyes!