I had two posts to the blog from KL before my first 24 hours were done. So it felt completely wrong to wait until the last night to post from Singapore. But it felt equally wrong to post a blog entry from Singapore while I was having so much fun here! Get busy living or bet busy blogging. You can't do both.
Speaking of wrong... is this not the wong place to go for changing currencies? Apparently it is, and they are PROUD of it!
I've complained, but no matter what, they won't let me pour my own beer. Okay, I haven't complained a LOT. But honestly... isn't she pretty?
And speaking of pretty, this city is BEAUTIFUL! So much culture, so much diverse architecture, so much much! It's a mostly budhist country but islamic style dominates as the coolest part of the place....
Although perhaps the most striking is the mix of old and new....
So let me end with," Singapore... Wow!" KL was kool, but this is krazy! And to top it all off, there's more exotic excitement here than any where else I've been! But best best best of all, not only is the place comfortable and friendly, and not only did I not need to bring TP along (just in case), but they have some of the nicest washroom facilites I've had the pleasure to enjoy!
Yeah, I travel too much.
Tomorrow, I have a morning meeting and an 11pm flight. Uhg. How to fill the 8 hour gap is currently unknown. Rest assured, I'll take pics. I'm truly looking forward to landing at 5:30am in Amsterdam and hoping (praying) I can get to sleep in my own bed before the sun rises at 8ish.
I could use a beer right now. Yeah, that's where my head's at.
*moan* Beer? Head? Oh jeez, please don't even mention that right now. I used a pitcher of beer to sedate myself through the jetlag. Now everything is a bit... fuzzy.
Play first. Blog later. No time for hangover -- jetlag or any other kind. Chop, chop!
Nice! Pretty girl pouring beer, great buildings, TP included, now that sounds like a terrific deal. Do women get that with a cute guy pouring beer? Just curious. ;)
Morgan, another big WOW! .....Mom
wow, I like the picture of the old/vs.new a lot. And the little vase, next to the sink, with the straws in it, is just beuatiful in its simplicity. The girl is very cute, as much as I cna tell and I hop eyou did not try the wrong money exchanger¨! Unless it happens that you might profit from it :)
Quilly, there was hardly any time for anything. Next trip I'm definitely taking the extra nights to enjoy it. Especially the water!
Theresa, I'm sure if you choose your bar you can find something, interesting. The hotel in Singapore, however, had clearly staffed to appeal to businessmen.
Minka, Singapore had a lot of that juxtaposition. But everything worked nicely together. KL is purely modern through it's downtown area.
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