Monday, December 10, 2007


It took me a while to wake up this morning. Eventually I started planning my work day; what needs doing, who needs to be emailed, etc.. And I began to wonder if I should work from home. I could get more done, fewer distractions... But wait. *blinks* I seem to be on the train already. Good thing too, because I was about to decide not to go.


OC or Q said...

You can only get more done from home if you actually do it. I found taking work home to do usually resulted in nothing more than lugging heavy stuff to my car, taking it for a drive and lugging it back to work.


I Dive At Night said...

Quilly, it's the opposite for me. I lug my laptop to and from work every day and leave much (reference books, papers, external drive) at home. And today the entire office network was down for 6 hrs. Truly I should have worked from home.

J. D. said...

Hi Morgan...I used to be a self-motivator also. Since "retirement", if I ask myself the's already too late. Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z. I hope tomorrow is more productive for you. As for me, I know, lots of sleep produces a happier ME. Hugs...Mom

Doug The Una said...

The best reason to be in Europe is to ride trains, I think. Car's almost demand that you wake up and commit.

I Dive At Night said...

Doug, cars do that... almost. :-D

Minka said...

I love riding the train, read a book...look out the window...stare at people until they are nervous and so forth :)

I think I couldn't work from home...not too much self-discipline...everything distracts me here...I think it is a good thing I don't own a TV!

Mother Theresa said...

I like that picture, it perfectly conveys the feeling of travel by train. I love looking out the window on trains too, but I hardly ever get to go by train anymore.

You've been nominated for an award. :)

I Dive At Night said...

Minka (et al) I do really appreciate the train. My commute to work is a time of reading and reflection and sometimes talking with friends/coworkers.

But I'm working from home right now and don't feel the least bit distracted.

Theresa, have I? Really? Which one? Is it a Nobel prize? Those pay really well!