Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Soup & Tea

I've been sick from work a second day. Stiff and sore this morning and still running frequently to the... reading room.

So I was happy that I got a chance to speak to a medical professional. The advice? Tea and chicken soup. And lots of rest.

Thus far I've napped, the soup is cooked, and the tea is near whistling. Indeed I more than napped. I slept through the rest of the day. So it's nearly midnight that I'm about to sit down with soup and tea. But the smell alone heals. I can't wait to start slurping!

Thanks for the advice. :-)


Unknown said...

I was sick for two weeks when I got back from Egypt!

I Dive At Night said...

Liesje, I've decided I'm sick of being sick. Going to go to work tomorrow so I can enjoy resting all weekend. :-)

Doug The Una said...


I Dive At Night said...

Everybody who's been has a story about... going.

Anonymous said...

Would you believe I stayed home last Friday too with the same symptoms ? Without going to Egypt.... so it's been tea, chicken soup and light food for me for the last 2 days too, I had to do some shopping yesterday but I was exhausted after it. I intend to go to work tomorrow, but I'm still not feeling great..............

I Dive At Night said...

Irene, take care. Rest and soup and lots of doing nothing. That's what I came up with. So I was sick for 5 days, home doing nothing for 4. And after Friday at work I spent Friday evening and Saturday home resting again. Did I stress the rest part? And plenty of rest too.

Get well soon!

Minka said...

Some health care professionals sure know what they are talking about. I for one am glad you are feeling better. I am getting rather fond of napping myself!

I Dive At Night said...

You're more than welcome to curl up on the couch and nap. Thanks for the advice. :-)