Thursday, October 26, 2006

I wish I had pictures

When ever I'm walking through the streets in the centre of Amsterdam I always end up wishing I had my camera with me. But even when I do have it, I feel funny about walking down the street taking pictures (or videos) so I still have nothing to post.

There are just so many photo perfect images! Every where you turn, especially at night, the place and the people blend together to form the most perfect portraits of life here.

It all goes to forming a lovely state of contentment. And life has pitched in to help! I had a job interview yesterday and have already had "good sounding" but non-commital comments from the perspective employer. They're sending me product materials to learn from and we're arranging further meetings. Woohoo!

I think I know why I don't pull the camera out. This city is about a feeling.

I know lots about F-stops, auto-focus, etc. but I don't know how use a camera to caputre a feeling like the contentment of finally being home!


Anonymous said...

Good news about the job interview !! Was it of "my" leads ? And you are right about Amsterdam, it's a wonderful city. And after seeing the madness of traffic in Brussels last weekend (HELL) I love Amsterdam even more...

I Dive At Night said...

YES! It was one of the ones you passed me. The one I said I never would have thought of searching for. :-)

I checked today and it will be a full week and a half before diving next. If I'm not careful, I might be employed first.

Anonymous said...

That is SO cool ! I'm really glad for you !! And I'm sure you'll have some time left for diving too....