Saturday, September 08, 2007

A quick update

The head cold is over, and like any one would, I immediately started over-doing everything the moment I felt human again.

I taught in the pool last night. Got home from work at 5:50 and was back out at 6:00 again. My two students and I had dinner, reviewed their academic work, briefed and explained the skills for the upcoming dive, then got all the gear needed from the shop and helped load it into the van. After a fun time in the pool we went back to the shop, helped with the unloading, then went out for a beer and debriefing. It was 1:45am when I got home.

This morning I woke up and spent an hour on the phone arranging logistics. Then three of us met up at the dive shop and compiled and loaded all the gear for the 6 of us diving this Sunday. 4 sets of gear rentals, 9 tanks of air and various sundry bits and pieces. And I'm renting is all. Wow, I just got 9 tanks of air!

Tomorrow I'm trying to fit three dives into an afternoon. Starting from 2pm, I plan to quickly hit the water with the OW students and do their first ever "real" dive. Then I'm taking Tobias and Ingrid out for their first training dive for their Advanced OW certificate. We'll be practicing underwater navigation. As soon as they're done, I'll be back in the water for the second dive with the OW students... and by then everyone will be tired and I'll be exhausted.

If you dive so regularly that your gear never completely dries, smells can result. That, my friends, is the smell of success! ;-)

Next weekend, I'm booking off from diving. I know by then I'll probably need a sleep-in.


J. D. said...

Hi Morgan...I'm so glad you're feeling better and able to dive. Are you sure you can take all this diving, exercise and fun? Sounds like you have to go to work to rest. Keep up the good work. I know the students must be enjoying it as much as you are.

I sure remember how long it takes to air dry things there and, I bet it will take a full week to dry your dry suit. Good luck with that. Stay Safe! Love...Mom

I Dive At Night said...

Stay safe? I prefer "Don't get too hurt." It's just more realistic.

Although I'm happy to report all 3 dives went well and no one got hurt. Although my ears are a bit worse for the wear.

Minka said...

you have to learn to take it's not like you are a young bronco coming out of the shoot for the first time. lay back and enjoy a day of health befor eyou go out and about to sabotage it :)

Glad you are up and about though :)

I Dive At Night said...

Health is like money... intended to be used, not horded. But thanks for the concern. ;)

As for the young bronco bit... aren't stallions a little older and a little stronger? I'd prefer to be one of them.